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My land has palm trees where the thrush sings...
All Brazilian schoolchildren know the Song of Exile by Gonçalves Dias – which in turn has as its epigraph the famous poem by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, which every German can recite at least the first two verses: Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn, / Im dunkeln Laub die Goldorangen glühn... (Knowst thou that land, where the lemons bloom so fair/The golden oranges from dark-green branches glare...). It is curious that Stefan Zweig, the poet of coincidences, in choosing what was to be his last house, in Petrópolis, didn’t even notice that it was in the street which carries the name of the famous poet of Exile.
Nomen est omen – name is omen, goes the saying. In the same house that exiles Stefan and Lotte Zweig opted for death, distressed by the world plunged into war, hundreds of citizens who shared the same destiny, forced to flee Nazism between 1933 and 1945, will now, like them, be honored in a Memorial to Exile.
After Argentina, Brazil was the country which took in the most refugees. We don’t know exactly how many came. Some historians estimate that between 16,000 and 19,000 sought a new homeland in this land [with] palm trees. CASA STEFAN ZWEIG wants to honor them all, highlighting those who made decisive contributions to culture and science. Below, a list in no particular order of importance, which we shall be adding to regularly. Each name represents a life story, a saga, multiplied by the number of family members. Many other names will appear here as the site grows.
As a special homage to them all, we have chosen a poem by the great Jewish German author Heinrich Heine (1797-1856):):
Wo wird einst des Wandermüden
Letzte Ruhestätte seyn?
Unter Palmen in dem Süden?
Unter Linden an dem Rhein?
Werd ich wo in einer Wüste
Eingescharrt von fremder Hand?
Oder ruh ich an der Küste
Eines Meeres in dem Sand.
Immerhin! Mich wird umgeben
Gotteshimmel, dort wie hier,
Und als Totenlampen schweben
Nachts die Sterne über mir.
in: DHA, Bd. 2
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Adler, Johann Anton
Adlerova, Charlotta
Agache, Hubert Donat Alfred
Altberg, Alexandre
Andrian-Werburg, Leopold von
Arany, Oscar
Arcade, Bruno
Arnau, Frank
Ascarelli, Tullio
Bach, Susanne Eisenberg
Ballhausen, Günther
Becher, Ulrich
Benton, José Antonio (Hans Elsas)
Berger, Peter Ludwig
Bernanos, George
Bianco, Enrico
Blumental, Felicja
Boese, Henrique
Brand, Max
Brandt, Hannah Henriette
Brentani, Gerda
Bresslau, Ernst Ludwig
Bresslau-Hoff, Louise
Brieger, Friedrich Gustav
Brill, Alice
Brill, Marte
Caro, Herbert Moritz
Carpeaux, Otto Maria
Chabloz, Jean-Pierre
Choromanski. Michal
de Fiori, Ernesto
Eichbaum, Gisela
Feder, Ernst
Feigl, Fritz
| Flexor, Samson
Flieg, Hans Günter
Flusser, Vilém
Fraenkel, Erich
Fried, Carl
Gartenberg, Alfred
Geyerhahn, Norbert e Walter
Gottlieb, Otto Richard
Gross, Bernhard
Guarnieri, Gianfrancesco
Görgen, Hermann Matthias
Haberkorn, Werner
Hauptmann, Heinrich
Heller, Frederico
Heller, Otto
Hoffmann-Harnisch, Wolfgang
Huyn, Johannes Franz Graf
Jacobovits, Waltraut
Jolles, Heinz (Henry)
Jordan, Fred
Kaminagai, Tadashi
Katz, Richard
Katzenstein, Betti
Keller, Wilhelm (Willy)
Kiefer, Bruno
Kleemann, Fredi
Klinghoffer, Hans Yitzhak
Koch, Adelheid Lucy
Koellreutter, Hans-Joachim
Kondracki, Michał
Korène, Vera
Krajcberg, Frans
Kreiser, Walter
Kürschner, Izidor
Leskoschek, Axl
| Lewinsohn, Richard
Lewy, Walter
Lichtenstern, Herbert
Lieblich, Karl
Lustig-Prean, Karl von
Löw-Lazar, Friederike
Maier, Mathilde
Manzon, Jean
Marcus, Ernst
Markus, David
Mehlich, Ernst
Métall, Rudolf Aladár
Mizne, Markus
Mortara, Giorgio
Oliven, Fritz
Ornstein, Oskar
Ostrower, Fayga
Pinkuss, Fritz
Rawitscher, Felix
Rheinboldt, Heinrich
Roger van Rogger (Roger Silberfeld)
Rónai, Paulo
Rosenfeld, Anatol
Stern, Hans
Straus, Agi
Strowski, Fortunat
Szenes, Arpad
Szenkar, Eugen
Trebitsch, Regina
Tuwim, Julian
Wittkowski, Victor
Wolff, Egon e Frieda
Wöller, Wilhelm
Zach, Jan
Zamoyski, August